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這是對一座老化的單層牙科診所的改造,內部面積約為 436 平方米。
This is a conversion of an aging single-storey dental practice with an internal area of approximately 436 m²
In view of the fact that the ceiling of the original layout is low and it is easy to a sense of physical restraint, the inherent shortcomings of the layout must be improved to meet the requirements of medical practice for clear space.
定義訂單並最大限度地提高單位效率並消除刻板印象。 結果是回歸簡單,使用溫暖的調色板、微妙的大膽天篷和開放媒體的使用來創造空間的豐富性和深度。
Define orders and maximize unit efficiency and eliminate stereotypes. The result is a return to simplicity, using a warm color palette, a subtle bold canopy and the use of open media to richness and depth in the space.